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#WEAREHALF campaign - Stop cutting off women!


A movement aimed to draw attention to gender inequality that persists in multiple forms at the level of society. Gender equality is not only a fundamental right, it is the essential foundation for a solid and sustainable world. We are still far from the goals proposed for 2030.


#WEAREHALF campaign - Stop cutting off women!


A movement aimed to draw attention to gender inequality that persists in multiple forms at the level of society. Gender equality is not only a fundamental right, it is the essential foundation for a solid and sustainable world. We are still far from the goals proposed for 2030.


Our objectives

The campaign aims to create a wave of awareness of gender equality, diversity and inclusion – an international trend

When we discuss the issue of gender equality, we only run into outrageous percentages. We tend to forget the hidden lives of women behind the figures, and how they feel or look. The campaign transforms the concept of “Percent” into a statement, a manifesto for regaining the “whole” of women, so that they feel safe, valued and fulfilled professionally and personally, and society progresses.

When we discuss the issue of gender equality, we only run into outrageous percentages. We tend to forget the hidden lives of women behind the figures, and how they feel or look. The campaign transforms the concept of “Percent” into a statement, a manifesto for regaining the “whole” of women, so that they feel safe, valued and fulfilled professionally and personally, and society progresses.



women in CEO positions globally


employed women compared to men


CEOs at fortune 500 companies are female

girls become child brides every day, or one every two seconds

give women equal legal work rights as men: Belgium, Denmark, France, Latvia, Luxembourg and Sweden

give women equal legal work rights as men: Belgium, Denmark, France, Latvia, Luxembourg and Sweden

to close the gender gap

girls become child brides every day, or one every two seconds

give women equal legal work rights as men: Belgium, Denmark, France, Latvia, Luxembourg and Sweden

give women equal legal work rights as men: Belgium, Denmark, France, Latvia, Luxembourg and Sweden

to close the gender gap


The #WeAreHalf exhibition – Stop cutting off women! presents portraits of contemporary women from Romania who have outstanding professional achievements, in fields such as science, technology, engineering, medicine, social entrepreneurship, art and culture, the defense of women’s rights, as well as photographs of women who experienced tragic situations (war, exile, domestic violence, various types of discrimination, etc.). The opening of the exhibition, organized by Tudor Communications for the Association for Solidarity and Equality, in partnership with the European Commission in Romania, with the National Agency for Equal Opportunities (ANES) and Agerpres, will be opened on Monday, March 6, 2023, between 9-11 . The exhibition is open for viewing from March 6-8, at the House of Europe headquarters, in Str. Vasile Lascar no. 31, Bucharest.


We invite you to share the concept of the campaign: in what percentage did you feel discriminated? Tell us your story!

Use a white T-shirt and cut off a slice with the percentage you feel you have been discriminated. Use the campaign hashtag #WeAreHalf – Stop cutting off women! and make yourself heard.



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